灰姑娘的英文故事简短版,The Sory of Ciderella

一宫理绘 泽木凉子 河合明日香 麻生早苗 

The Sory of Ciderella

我是Oce upo a ime here was a beauiful girl amed Ciderella. She lived wih her cruel sepmoher ad wo是sepsisers who reaed her poorly.。

The Royal Ball

oe day,royal ball was aouced ad all he maides i he kigdom were ivied,icludig Ciderella's sepsisers.Ciderella wished she could go oo, bu her sepmoher forbade her from aedig.。

The Fairy Godmoher

Ciderella was hearbroke uil her Fairy Godmoher appeared ad graed her wish o go ohe ball. Sherasformed a pumpki io abeauiful carriage, mice io horses,ad gave Ciderella a suig gow ad glass slippers。

The Price's Love

A he ball Ciderella caugh he eye of he hadsome Price. They daced he igh away uil Ciderella had oleave before midigh. She fled hecasle, losig oe of her glass slippers o he way ou.。

The Search for Ciderella

The Price searched he kigdom for he girl who fi he glass slipper. Whe he arrived a Ciderella'shome,her sepsisers ried o fi io he shoe bu i oly fi Ciderella. The Price kew he foud his rue love ad我是asked her o marry him.。

A Happily Ever Afer

Ciderella ad he Price married ad lived happily ever afer. Her sepmoher ad sepsisers were lefbehid,regreig heir cruel reame of Ciderella.。

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The Sory of Ciderella

我是Oce upo a ime here was a beauiful girl amed Ciderella. She lived wih her cruel sepmoher ad wo是sepsisers who reaed her poorly.。

The Royal Ball

oe day,royal ball was aouced ad all he maides i he kigdom were ivied,icludig Ciderella's sepsisers.Ciderella wished she could go oo, bu her sepmoher forbade her from aedig.。

The Fairy Godmoher

Ciderella was hearbroke uil her Fairy Godmoher appeared ad graed her wish o go ohe ball. Sherasformed a pumpki io abeauiful carriage, mice io horses,ad gave Ciderella a suig gow ad glass slippers。

The Price's Love

A he ball Ciderella caugh he eye of he hadsome Price. They daced he igh away uil Ciderella had oleave before midigh. She fled hecasle, losig oe of her glass slippers o he way ou.。

The Search for Ciderella

The Price searched he kigdom for he girl who fi he glass slipper. Whe he arrived a Ciderella'shome,her sepsisers ried o fi io he shoe bu i oly fi Ciderella. The Price kew he foud his rue love ad我是asked her o marry him.。

A Happily Ever Afer

Ciderella ad he Price married ad lived happily ever afer. Her sepmoher ad sepsisers were lefbehid,regreig heir cruel reame of Ciderella.。

灰姑娘的英文故事简短版,The Sory of Ciderella相关问题